Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Filling The Empty Void Of Love

Depressing title, I know. I've decided to do a bit of a personal post today. Some of you reading this will completely understand when I say dogs are part of the family - they aren't just a pet! Having a dog fills you with so much love as they're the only thing that are capable of giving you so much affection and joy when you get home from school or work. They're always happy to see you and they're extremely loyal. Many people who aren't dog lovers don't fully understand the love you have for them and the pain that you go through when they eventually pass away - it's just the same as grieving for a human.

When I was eight, my dad finally caved in and let my mum have a dog - we got a black labrador and called him Bramble. He was the most beautiful dog and everyone who knew him absolutely adored him. My mum used to tie his lead to the fence outside my Primary school whilst she dropped my sister and I off at school and he was stroked and cuddled by most kids and their parents. He was loyal and very obedient - the perfect dog! He was so gentle, he never growled or barked and he knew where he wasn't allowed to go. We could even walk him without bringing a lead, as he was so well behaved.

As my sister and I grew up, Bramble grew with us and he began to get weaker and weaker. He couldn't go for long walks anymore as his shoulders were giving in and his days of exploring were over - he mainly liked to sleep (and snore like crazy!) His greying beard was making him looking like an old man and he spent his days lounging around.

We had him for 10 years, as he died in March of this year. He was drooling heavily and coughing, as though he had something stuck in his throat. When we took him to the vet, we got told he had a chest infection and got given some antibiotics to help him get better.

However, his condition still didn't improve so we took him back to the vet and made sure to say our goodbyes - as a family, we were distraught. The vet told us that he had a tumour in his throat which was the size of a golf ball and that he probably wouldn't last more than a week. We all felt overcome with grief - even the receptionists were crying as they had known and loved him for years. Our neighbours were also devastated - losing a dog is like losing a family member.

The vet supplied us with steroids for him and told us to take him home for now, and that when he began to get worse, we must bring him in straight away to be put to sleep. The steroids kind of gave us false hope, as he seemed like the old Bramble we knew, not the old weak dog that he had become. We honestly thought he would last a few months, but he lasted only a week (just as the vet had predicted.) One night, he suddenly stood still in the kitchen as though he couldn't move. He stomach was a weird, bloated shape as he had filled with fluid and wouldn't eat (which was unlike him; he usually gulped his food down faster than anything!) We knew it was time.

We rang the emergency vets to let them know we were coming and my dad picked him up and placed him in the boot of the car (just like the scene from Marley & Me.) We took the long agonising drive to the vets and my mum and I held him in our arms as he eventually passed away. After months of sadness, we still miss him. Nothing can replace him and it stills brings tears to my eyes when I think about his last few minutes.

After a few months, we started to look into buying another dog, as we felt like we needed to fill that empty void. We knew that we didn't want to get another labrador, as we were afraid it'd remind us too much of Bramble - but we wanted a similar breed. We decided to go for a labradoodle and eventually got him less than two weeks ago. We've named him Dougie and he's so adorable! I sometimes can't help but feel guilty, as I'd give anything to have Bramble back with us - but he's in no way being replaced! I'm sure Bramble would approve and want us to be happy.

Have you ever lost a dog?
Did you eventually decide to get another?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Aww your new dog is cute and not what I thought a labradoodle looked like! Aw Bramble sounded very well behaved for a labrador! I can relate. We lost Poppy last year and was about three days before I was due to return from being away for over six months. Couldn't believe it. We had lost Ellie (her mother) two years previously but it was only when Poppy went and we had no dogs at all that we realised how nice it is too have someone there to speak to or look out for when you get up first thing etc. Haven't got another yet and don't think we will for a long while. I'm sure we will at some point though. x

    Amy at Amy & More

    1. Thanks for your comment. Yeah there's loads of different types, it just depends what generation of labradoodle each parent is - Dougie's mother is quite curly but his dad has quite straight hair, so we don't really know how he'll end up looking! Sorry for your loss, I know it's hard - especially that you lost them both within two years! It can be quite a difficult decision to get another; I'm dreading going through that heartache again but I can't wait to have plenty of time with him before that happens! xx

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, it's so hard losing a dog. It's been nearly three years since we lost Roxy and I still miss her, like Bramble she was the perfect dog. We couldn't cope without a dog in the house and it wasn't long before we got our Border Collie, Dylan. Like you said, in no way was it a replacement but it does make you feel guilty.

    Rosie at www.eatreadglam.com

    1. Thanks for the comment, I'm sorry for your loss. That's exactly how we felt; we got so used to having a dog around the house that it was so strange when he'd gone - we knew we needed another! xx

  3. I can't even imagine what it felt like to lose Bramble, I know exactly what you mean when you say that it's like losing a human as I would be lost without my dog. Bramble seemed like such a loving dog, but he's in a better place away from the pain now. Dougie is so cute and I'm sure Bramble will be happy for you - it's not replacing him just finding him a brother x


  4. I'm sorry for your loss! Such a sad but sweet post at the same time. It made me well up as I have gone through similar story a few years ago. I love animals and my pets become totally part of my family as well. Not only dogs, but everything. I think getting a new puppy is great! Don't feel guilty. It's good for you and your family to find a way to love again. :)


  5. This made me cry so much - pregnancy hormones do not help at all! I lost my dog in May, I was actually on holiday when she passed away but a week before I left I knew something bad would happen. She was a Labrador crossed between a Staffie we had rescued her from a shelter when she was 18 months old, she had been badly treated but was one of the most loving dogs ever. Two years before her death, my nan passed away from cancer and my mum had always said we would get one to help us cope, so we did. We found Heidi, the most lovable Jack Russell you could ever find.. although, she is a bit of a monster! Bonnie hated her when we brought her home but two weeks later they became the best of friends and sadly when she died Heidi had been taken out to my brothers as she got so upset with Bonnie laying on the floor not moving, it broke my mum's heart. So now (still crying) we are on the hunt for a puppy friend for Heidi. It's so difficult because you can never replace the ones you have lost, but it helps with the difficulty of it all..

    Your dog was beautiful, I love Labradors and I bet he was as friendly as anything! Him and Bonnie are probably playing up there right now.. god knows what mischief they are getting up to! And your new puppy is gorgeous! I do love dogs, even if they do bite your toes and run off with your socks.. (Heidi is a sock monster) :)

    Best of luck!


    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm sorry for your loss! Dogs feel the pain of others too; it must have been hard. Yeah Dougie is a little biter, we'll have to get that under control! Thank you xx

  6. Such a lovely post and it is so hard when you loose a dog but no need to feel guilty as Bramble had a lovely life and now time to give some of that love to the new puppy who will bring you all the good new memories :)

    Pam @ pamsstuffandthings.blogspot.com

    1. Yeah, I can't wait to give as good a life to Dougie as Bramble had! Thanks for the comment x
